Crop production index

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These indices indicate the relative level of the total volume of the agricultural production, for each year, compared to the base period 2004-2006. They are calculated by making the sum balanced by the price of the production of the various agricultural products, after deduction of the quantities used like seeds or for the animal feeds, balanced in the same way. The aggregate thus obtained thus represents the production available for all the uses, except that like seeds or feedingstuffs.

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Informations et usage

Source originale des données : World Bank

Edition : Elvis Mugisha

Date de création : 25-11-2016

Mise à jour : 25-11-2016

Types de fichier : CSV, XLSX

Métadonnées : DCXML, CSV

License ODbL 1.0./Creative Commons

Tags : agricultural products

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Métadonnées Dublin Core

DC:Creator IWACU Open Data
DC:Subject agricultural products
DC:Title Crop production index
DC:Description These indices indicate the relative level of the total volume of the agricultural production, for each year, compared to the base period 2004-2006. They are calculated by making the sum balanced by the price of the production of the various agricultural products, after deduction of the quantities used like seeds or for the animal feeds, balanced in the same way. The aggregate thus obtained thus represents the production available for all the uses, except that like seeds or feedingstuffs.
DC:Source World Bank
DC:Type table
DC:Rights Open Licence
DC:Language en