HIV-AIDS : number of people screened (2003-20014)

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This dataset shows the number of people who have screened HIV/AIDS from 2003 to 2014.


Informations and use

Original source of the data: IWACU Open Data

Edition: Pierre Claver BANYANKIYE, IWACU

Creation date: 16-08-2017

Updated: 30-09-2020

Files types : CSV, XLSX

Metadata: DCXML, CSV

License ODbL 1.0./Creative Commons

Tags: HIV/ AIDSscreened people

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Dublin Core Metadata

DC:Creator IWACU Open Data
DC:Subject screened people, HIV/ AIDS
DC:Title HIV-AIDS: Number of people screened(2003-2014)
DC:Description This dataset shows the number of people who have screened HIV / AIDS from 2003 to 2014..
DC:Source Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies of Burundi (ISTEEBU)
DC:Type table
DC:Rights Licence open
DC:Language en