Production and Import of sugar in Burundi

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During its 32 years of service, Sosumo’s production quadrupled from 4,658 tonnes in 1988 to 20,436 tonnes in 2020. Despite this, production could not meet domestic demand and had to resort to imports. However, in some years imports even exceeded production. This is the example of 2017 when production was 21,940 tonnes against 26,267.5 tonnes imported.


Informations and use

Original source of the data: Bank of the Republic of Burundi

Edition: Elvis Mugisha

Creation date: 19-07-2021

Updated: 27-02-2023

Files types : CSV, XLSX

Metadata: DCXML, CSV

License ODbL 1.0./Creative Commons

Tags: agricultureSugar

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Dublin Core Metadata

DC:Creator Iwacu Open Data
DC:Subject sugar, agriculture
DC:Title Production and Import of sugar in Burundi
DC:Description During its 32 years of service, Sosumo's production quadrupled from 4,658 tonnes in 1988 to 20,436 tonnes in 2020. Despite this, production could not meet domestic demand and had to resort to imports. However, in some years imports even exceeded production. This is the example of 2017 when production was 21,940 tonnes against 26,267.5 tonnes imported.
DC:Source Bank of the Republic of Burundi
DC:Type table
DC:Rights Open license
DC:Language Language will appear here