Gross enrolment ratio by level of education

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The gross enrollment ratio (GER) refers to the total enrollment in a specific level of education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the officially enrollable population at the same level for a given school year. The method of calculation consists of dividing the number of pupils or students by the population having the official schooling age of the same level of education and multiplying the result by 100. When the value of the gross rate approaches or exceeds 100% , This indicates that the country is in principle capable of enrolling the entire population of school-aged age, but does not indicate the proportion of this population actually attending school. Gross enrollment ratios exceed 100% when over-aged and over-young pupils, as well as repeaters, are included.


Informations and use

Original source of the data: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)

Edition: Elvis Mugisha

Creation date: 19-05-2017

Updated: 30-09-2020

Files types : CSV, XLSX

Metadata: DCXML, CSV

License ISU / IUS, data downloaded on 10 / 09 / 2016, see Terms and conditions

Tags: Educationhigher educationprimary schoolsecondary education

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Dublin Core Metadata

DC:Creator IWACU Open Data
DC:Subject Education, primary school, secondary education, higher education
DC:Title Gross enrolment ratio by level of education
DC:Description The gross enrollment ratio (GER) refers to the total enrollment in a specific level of education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the officially enrollable population at the same level for a given school year. The method of calculation consists of dividing the number of pupils or students by the population having the official schooling age of the same level of education and multiplying the result by 100. When the value of the gross rate approaches or exceeds 100% , This indicates that the country is in principle capable of enrolling the entire population of school-aged age, but does not indicate the proportion of this population actually attending school. Gross enrollment ratios exceed 100% when over-aged and over-young pupils, as well as repeaters, are included.
DC:Source UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)
DC:Type table
DC:Rights UIS
DC:Language en