Alcohol consumption

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The alcohol consumption is calculated in liters per capita old of more than 15 years. The data go back to 2010 and were published in 2014. The data are compared with those of the period 2003-2005 and with a projection for 2015. Recorded consumption corresponds to the rate recorded by type of alcoholic beverage. “Not-recorded” consumption was to establish on the basis of empirical research and judgement of experts. The types of alcoholic beverages are divided into four categories: beer (malt beer), wine (grape wine), spirits (distilled beverages), others (all other types of alcoholic beverages). The prevalence with disorders caused by alcohol understands the prevalence of a dependence, with a distribution between men and women. It is calculated expressed as a percentage. Value NC corresponds to a not communicated value. File XLS understands three sheets with these three data files. Three files CSV corresponding are gathered in only one file ZIP.


Informations and use

Original source of the data: World Health Organization (WHO)

Edition: Elvis Mugisha

Creation date: 18-04-2017

Updated: 30-09-2020

Files types : CSV, ZIP, XLSX

Metadata: DCXML, CSV

License ODbL 1.0./Creative Commons

Tags: public health

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Dublin Core Metadata

DC:Creator IWACU Open Data
DC:Subject public health
DC:Title Alcohol consumption
DC:Description The alcohol consumption is calculated in liters per capita old of more than 15 years. The data go back to 2010 and were published in 2014. The data are compared with those of the period 2003-2005 and with a projection for 2015. Recorded consumption corresponds to the rate recorded by type of alcoholic beverage. “Not-recorded” consumption was to establish on the basis of empirical research and judgement of experts. The types of alcoholic beverages are divided into four categories: beer (malt beer), wine (grape wine), spirits (distilled beverages), others (all other types of alcoholic beverages). The prevalence with disorders caused by alcohol understands the prevalence of a dependence, with a distribution between men and women. It is calculated expressed as a percentage. Value NC corresponds to a not communicated value. File XLS understands three sheets with these three data files. Three files CSV corresponding are gathered in only one file ZIP.
DC:Source World Health Organization (WHO)
DC:Type table
DC:Rights ODbL 1.0./Creative Commons
DC:Language en