45 young women participated in a month-training organized by the US Embassy under the theme “turn your talent into your business”. On 26 August, they were certificated following their efforts and endeavors after that training held at Kinindo American Corner.

Participants in the boot camp receiving their certificates
“Know your talent and believe in it…you can but you don’t…. discipline is consistent…. Talent without discipline is useless…” these are some sentences stressed by Ange Muyubira, the Kaz’o’ Zah Art founder and local expert, during the training. She added that Burundian women are able to do many things but must endeavor to discover their talents.
Walda Monna Kaneza, one of the attendees appreciated and saluted the initiative of the US Embassy towards young women. “It is of paramount importance for us to exercise and discover our talent, how to find it and transform it into business. Women have the ability to do great things even if they are generally considered as inferior to men.
It is possible to turn our talent into business”, she said.
For Natacha Niyongabo, Assistant Public Affairs Officer at the US Embassy, young women and ladies are able and their contribution is very important in the society: “Coming to the US Embassy to learn more about entrepreneurship will help young women build their capacities in entrepreneurship as well as in economic independence”. She, then, added that it was a great pleasure to share experience with others and work hard to cope with their challenges.
Christopher Smith, Public Affairs Officer at the US Embassy in Bujumbura indicated that the latter is concerned about developing the entrepreneurship spirit among young people. “The US wants to change the situation and society which do not consider women’s contribution. The US supports the efforts made to change the situation through women.
Promoting entrepreneurship in Burundi empowers women”, he said.
Inspired by the legacy of the entrepreneurial spirit in the US and the tedious courage of these young women, he added: “I invite you to tap into the many opportunities for advancement available to them in and through the entrepreneurial world today.”
It is important to note that the US Embassy reaches its goal of popularizing entrepreneurship history and the participants get the opportunity to explore their potential and to practice Entrepreneurial skills. “I am told there is a gap between the content of the lectures on entrepreneurship at the University and the relevance of these subjects in these critical times”, he concluded.