
Water shortage in rural Gikungu pushes residents to use Ntahangwa River water

Three months have just passed without clean water in rural Gikungu area of Ntahangwa commune of Bujumbura. People fear to catch different diseases as they use dirty water from Ntahangwa River. The Company in charge of supplying water and electricity (REGIDESO) says it is aware of the issue and is working it out.

The inhabitants of rural Gikungu fetch water from the Ntahangwa River.

The inhabitants of rural Gikungu fetch water from the Ntahangwa River.

“It’s been about 3 months we haven’t got water in our compound. It is a common problem for the whole quarter. We beg water from our neighbors from Mutanga-Nord. Sometimes, we do not get it because those who need it are so many. In that case, we fetch water from the Ntahangwa River”, says Evelyne Bayubahe, resident of rural Gikungu.

The population of the area fear to catch diseases due to the lack of clean water. “We use water from the Ntahangwa River being aware that it is not clean just because we have no other choice. We are afraid we may catch some diseases”, says Bayubahe.

H.T, a resident of the area, says he is tired of back and forth movements looking for water in other people’s compounds. He asks the Burundian Company in charge of supplying water and electricity (REGIDESO) to do its best to give them water. “I have to move from here to Mutanga-Nord. There lives a friend of mine who gives me water. I am very tired because I go there every morning and night. I ask the authority charged with water to do everything possible so that we can be supplied with water as it in other quarters”, says H.T

“Every morning when I attend classes, I have to go with at least an empty five-liter can so that when I return home, I bring water from my brother living in Mutanga-Nord. But now he has a plan to move into his own house in Kanyosha, south of Bujumbura. I will consequently fetch water from the Ntahangwa River”, says on condition of anonymity, a student living in the area.

Jean Paul nduwimana , one among local chiefs of the area, says three months has just gone by without water. I ask REGIDESO to throw light on the issue. Once the problem is known, the population could contribute so as to have clean water”, he says.

The Burundian Company in charge of supplying water and electricity (REGIDESO) says it is aware of the issue and is working it out. It says the reason is that the Ntahangwa River damaged the pipes that carry water to the locality. “The issue will soon be tackled”, says REGIDESO.