The victims of the torrential rains that hit “Kuwinterekwa” and Nyabagere neighborhoods in the north of Bujumbura city in the night of December 21 are now sheltered at Kuwinterekwa” basic school. They fear the worst if nothing is done urgently.

The situation is still deplorable
The situation is still deplorable. On 23 December, streets are still muddy and rainwater still flows into the households. Local residents try to clear water from their houses and save few materials. Honoré Ndabashinze, a victim of the torrential rains in “Kuwinterekwa” locality, says nothing has yet been done.
“The situation would deteriorate if the rain fell once again”, he says. He also adds that all the victims of this locality were evacuated and sheltered at “Kuwinterekwa” basic school. He calls on the government to use appropriate machines to remove the sludge.
Floribert Sibomana, Gihosha area chief has indicated that “Kuwinterekwa” basic school shelters 287 people including 129 adults and 128 children. The flood that hit Gihosha neighborhood killed 15 people and injured 45 others. It also completely destroyed 57 houses while 57 others were partially destroyed. Local administrative officials also reported 132 houses flooded and over 200 affected.