Four journalists working for Iwacu Press Group namely Christine Kamikazi, Agnès Ndirubusa, Térence Mpozenzi, Egide Harerimana and their driver Adolphe Masabarakiza detained in Bubanza since 22 October for “complicity in undermining the internal state security” appeared on 29 October in front of the judge’s council chamber that will announce the verdict within 48h.

Bubanza High Court office
Clément Retirakiza, their lawyer hopes that his clients will be released. “The judge heard our clients, they gave them time to express themselves on the accusations of the government prosecutor,” says the lawyer who appreciates that the judge has allowed lawyers to defend legally and judicially our colleagues.
“We hope they will be released. The law is clear with respect to the charges of the government against them and the evidence that our clients have provided, “he says.
These four journalists were arrested in Bubanza province when they were going to cover the clashes that erupted between the armed groups and security forces in Musigati commune, of Buabanza province in the west of Burundi.