The outgoing president Pierre Nkurunziza arrived in Mwumba Commune of Ngozi Province around midday, riding his bicycle.

– President Pierre Nkurunziza: “Elections were financed by Burundians. This is a good start for our future leaders.
After voting, he has thanked Burundians who organized the elections. “These elections have a particular meaning. They were financed by Burundians without the intervention of foreigners. It is a good start for our future leaders,” said President Nkurunziza.
Evariste Ndayishimiye, presidential candidate for the ruling CNDD-FDD appreciated the electoral process but warned whoever would try to destabilize security saying “it will cost them dear”.

– Evariste Ndayishimiye: “The elections are being held in security. Whoever wants to disturb them will pay dearly”.
“The elections are being held in security. Whoever wants to disturb them will pay dearly,” he has said in interview with local journalists.
Two CNL party observers were meanwhile arrested by the Giheta commune administrator before the ruling party candidate arrived around 9:30 a. m. on “Bubu” Basic School in Giheta Commune of Gitega Province.
Diplomats from the Embassies of Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania were also present.
As for CNL party, its presidential candidate Agathon Rwasa deplored the cut in communications by means of internet.
“This will not prevent the change we are waiting for tonight,” he said.
Journalists were prevented to take pictures while Agathon Rwasa was casting a vote.
According to him, the cut in communications meant a “planned” fraud.

– Agathon Rwasa: “It’s not WhatsApp that is voting but Burundians”
“It’s not WhatsApp that is voting but Burundians. There is no point in cutting communications,” he said adding that CNL party will file complaint to competent courts if the party is not satisfied with the results of the polls. “But it is not the time to say it”, he added.
Domitien Ndayizeye, presidential candidate for Kira Burundi coalition voted in his native Kayanza Province while Gaston Sindimwo, presidential candidate for Uprona party and two independents namely Dieudonné Nahimana and Francis Rohero cast their vote in the economic capital Bujumbura.
As for Léonce Ngendakumana, Sahwanya FRODEBU party presidential candidate, he voted in Isare Commune of Bujumbura province of which he is a native.