
Repatriation of Burundian refugees at all costs
Since 9 September, Burundian refugees in Nyarugusu camp in Tanzania have been deprived of markets. The situation was exacerbated by the agreement signed between Tanzania and Burundi to launch a huge campaign of mass return of refugees from October 1st. Markets in Nyarugusu camp have been closed since 9 (...)

Tanzania- Opposition forms united front
Tanzania’s main opposition parties have agreed tocollectively challenge the ruling party in presidential and general elections next year.Four key parties saythey will present single candidates “at all levels”, including for the presidential poll, due in October 2015. President JakayaKikwete’s ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party has been in power (...)

Tanzanian police kill terror suspect
Tanzanian police shot dead a man suspected of carrying out a series of bombings in Arusha, including attacks targeting a church and a restaurant, where three people died and over 60 were wounded. The suspect was shot dead while trying to escape during a transfer to Dodoma prison on (...)
Human Right

Burundians chased from Tanzania want to join their families back
They brought nothing and their partners don’t know where they are. Those are men and women who are married to Tanzanians. The administration has promised to seek solutions – By Diane Uwimana It’s 8 am. It’s nice, a bit warm as well as easy to accede to Karubara site (...)