Red Cross

Red Cross Burundi committed to improving assistance to SGBV victims
Red Cross Burundi has officially launched, this 27 October, a project that will be mainly implemented in Bujumbura City and two other provinces namely Rumonge and Bujumbura. According to Alexis Manirakiza, spokesman of Red Cross Burundi, this project aims to improve the prevention of Sexual and Gender -Based Violence-SGBV (...)

Red Cross to provide 70,000 with clean water to prevent cholera
“I am very relieved to hear we will get clean water. We’ve been longing for it for a long time. We live in a seriously health-threatening situation here”, said the overjoyed Quentin Marc Ngendakumana, the local head of Kagwema area. He was speaking at an event inaugurating the construction (...)

T2000 Supermarket had gone in smoke
The chinese supermarket T2000 has undergone a fire in this morning. Despite the effort of the Firefighters, Civil Protection and the Red Cross, the supermarket had gone to ashes. (...)

The Contingency Plan to help in the 2015 elections
On 22 January 2015, The Red Cross of Burundi (RCB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented a contingency plan to help with the 2015 election process.-By J.Berchmans Siboniyo “We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. We have written a contingency plan to prevent probable violence from (...)

New partnership agreement between the Red Cross and the Burundi government
The Burundi government and the Red Cross Burundi signed a new partnership agreement on September 17th. The Red Cross Burundi is committed to help the society with more assurance and efficiency because of the new tool.-J.Berchmans Siboniyo Laurent Kavakure, the Minister of Foreign Affairs states that the Burundi government (...)

World First Aid Day
September 13th is the international day dedicated to first aid. The Red Cross Burundi is eager to train as many volunteers in first aid as possible. This year is devoted to sensitization; introducing first aid to all Burundians by explaining its importancein the community.-J.Berchmans Siboniyo The day was celebrated (...)