
29% of Burundians use contraception methods in Burundi
On the occasion of the World Contraception Day on September 26th, health officials say Burundians hardly adhere to the use of contraception methods. According to a demographic health survey conducted in 2016-2017, the results reveal that 29% of women adhere to the contraception methods. Dr. Juma Ndereye, Director of (...)

Women worried over CVR inability to fully protect witnesses
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission-CVR has held a two-day meeting from August 29 for women affiliated to the National Women’s Forum. Speakers expressed their concerns over the protection of witnesses who recounted what happened or showed the commission mass graves in which are buried victims of crimes committed in (...)

Growing political tensions in Mubimbi commune
Tensions are running high between members of the ruling party CNDD-FDD and those of the National Congress for Freedom [CNL] opposition party in Mubimbi commune. At least one person has been killed and 10 others wounded since 25 August. Two days after the clashes which erupted in the night (...)

Civil society and religious denominations request CENI to prioritize them
The Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) organized this August 23rd, a meeting with leaders of the civil society and religious denominations. They discussed the establishment of the Independent Provincial Electoral Commission (CEPI) and the Independent Communal Electoral Commission (CECI). Some leaders of the civil society and the religious denominations (...)

Burundian mulattoes faced with several problems, says AMEGL
In a press briefing held on August 14th, the Association of mulattoes in the Great Lakes Region says mulattoes in Burundi face social discrimination in their everyday life. “Mulattoes have always been in search of their African roots with a desire to reunite with their families of origins,” says (...)

Over 4300 Burundians to be immunized against Ebola
The Ministry of Public Health has begun a vaccination campaign against Ebola virus at Gatumba border post on 13 August. Beneficiaries are the front line health workers. Agents working for Burundi Revenue Authority, banks, soldiers and police officers operating in 21 districts prioritized in the preparation for the Ebola (...)

Catnip, another means of preventing malaria in Burundi
In a press conference held on August 13th, the Ministry of Health has said catnip can help to fight against malaria. Thaddée Ndikumana, Burundian Minister of Health says mosquito nets were made to protect people from mosquitoes in the night. “However, due to climate change, we have realized that (...)

Burundi sports journalists receive vocational training after five years
The Association of Sports Journalists (AJSB) has organized since July 31 a three-day training to build the capacities of sports journalists. Liliane Nshimirimana, AJSB chairperson, says the training is organized five years after sports journalists have not received any training while many new sports journalists have been recruited. She (...)
EAC integration

CAVIB sues Burundi government to EACJ
The collective of lawyers defending victims of international law crimes committed in Burundi-CAVIB has brought the case of the seizure of property belonging to some Burundians in exile to the East African Court of Justice. Cyriaque Nibitegeka, one of the CAVIB lawyers, says they decided to appeal to the (...)

Home Affairs Minister invites Burundians to do family planning
In the context of the celebration of the World Population Day on July 11th, the Burundian Minister of Home Affairs has called on the Burundian population to reproduce according to their means. “Every Burundian, both men and women must plan how many children they will have according to their (...)