

“The TRC needs to be supported!”

09-19-2016 Challenged, accused of being ineffective and inappropriate, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) is far from winning unanimous support. Bishop Nahimana, the president of the commission is confident, however and makes a plea. Since its inception, the TRC has not won unanimous support, what about today? The TRC, which (...)
Breaking news

The director and WFP representative in Burundi is no longer alive

09-01-2016 Jacques Roy passed away on Wednesday, 31 August at 10 am; he is victim of cardiac arrest. He was attending a UNHCR meeting with other heads of United Nations Agencies when he was taken ill. He retreated to a side room and after the first aids on the spot, (...)
Jean Bigirimana

Honoring the disappeared, preserving the living

08-22-2016 From this 22 August, exactly one month after Jean has gone missing, Iwacu begins a grieving week. Since the beginning of its activities eight years ago, Iwacu has experienced difficult times; journalists have been intimidated and threatened. Two journalists were forced to flee the country. As far as I (...)

An attack at the Snack bar « la facilite » of Kibenga

12-01-2015 A man was killed and two terribly injured during an attack at the snack bar “la facilité” of Kibenga this last night. (...)

In the footsteps of gunmen

10-27-2015 Cankuzo through Ruyigi up to Bujumbura Rural Province … Cibitoke through Bubanza up to Makamba, people live in fear. They noted the passage of armed groups and young recruits. Some administrative confirm. Reporters from Iwacu tried to follow some tracks of these men. By Dieudonnéé Hakizimana and Abbas Mbazumutima (...)

Lead nights

09-14-2015 Bujumbura town slept, this week, under a barrage of gunshots and grenade explosions in some neighbourhoods. By Abbas Mbazumutima, Monia-Bella Inakanyambo, Dieudonné Hakizimana and Floribert Nisabwe translated by Diane Uwimana It concerns search and seizure operations to find weapons, according to the police. The population, sometimes locked in her (...)

Cibitoke Attack : His name was Aaron Manirampa

03-02-2015 Pictures of the mutilated young man went around social networks. Two terrible pictures: on one, he is tied up and alive. On the other, he lies on the ground. Killed. Aaron Manirampa is one of those young rebels coldly executed in Murwi Commune December 2014. Iwacu found his family (...)

Fearless and determined

11-06-2014 Dr. Denis Mukwege (59) was awarded the Sakharov Prizefor Freedom of Thought by the European Parliament on October 21. The prize will be presentedformallyon November 26in Strasbourg, France. A Profile of Dr. Denis Mukwege.-By Jojanneke Spoor As a young boy, Denis Mukwege accompanied his father on pastoral visits to (...)
EAC integration

East African Legislative Assembly : One People, One Destiny

11-07-2013 This 20th October 2013 the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) has launched activities for the 2nd Meeting of the 2nd Session of the 3rd Assembly at Kigobe (Bujumbura). The main objective was to inform people about the activities of EALA during that meeting.-By Yves Didier Irakoze According to Hon. (...)