
Confusion over people’s arrests after Shinya attack
Seven people are detained in Kayanza provincial police station following the 9 July grenade attack on Shinya hill in Gatara commune of Kayanza province. Inhabitants of the locality speak of politically motivated arrests. The residents of Shinya hill in Ngoro area, Gatara commune of Kayanza Northern Province say they (...)

Two people killed and five injured in grenade attack in Buyenzi
Two people died in a grenade attack by unknown people this 8th August 2017 in a bar located on the 7th avenue number 49 in Buyenzi zone of Bujumbura. It was around 8 P.M. when unknown people threw two grenades in a bar where people were drinking as usual. (...)

Five people killed by end of week
Corporal Nishemezwe killed himself with his gun at around 9:30 p.m. this 6 August at the president’s office. He belonged to the special brigade in charge of protecting institutions. “The reasons behind the suicide are still unknown”, says Colonel Gaspard Baratuza, Army Spokesperson. He says Corporal Nishemezwe didn’t say (...)

31 people killed in July, police say
The Ministry of Public Security reports that the number of crimes committed in July has fallen off from 621 in June to 151 in July, a decrease of 24,3%. “Cases of killings and killing attempts moved from 37 cases in June to 31 in July. Victims were killed due (...)

Burundi Security Minister compares recent grenade explosions with terrorist attacks
Despite the grenade attacks that claimed five lives and injured over 70 within seven days, the Minister of Public Security says the security situation is generally good throughout Burundi. Minister of Public Security, Alain Guillaume Bunyoni, said on Monday 17 that the security situation has improved significantly throughout the (...)

Five people killed and over 50 injured in grenade attack
Two children, a woman and two men were killed by an unidentified “terrorist” in a grenade attack that also injured more than 50 people in the north-western province of Kayanza on Sunday around 6:30 p.m., the police report “Yesterday around 6h30 p.m. in Gatara Commune, Kayanza province, an unidentified (...)
Human Right

FIDH attacks “dictatorship” and “repression” of President Nkurunziza’s regime in a report
The International Federation for Human Rights produced the report in collaboration with six Burundi human rights organisations that the government has banned. FIDH report claims President Pierre Nkurunziza and his Cndd-Fdd party’s “obsession to cling on to power at all cost” has pushed the regime into violent “repression” and (...)

Some self-directed learners have not been allowed to do national test
Pupils of grade nine have done the national test from 20 to 22nd June 2017. Though self-directed learners were allowed to sit again for the national test, some of them have not got that chance. The 20th of June was the start of the national test for grade nine (...)

Night theft on the rise on some Bujumbura city streets
Cases of night robbery are increasing in different corners of Bujumbura city especially along the28th November Boulevard. The victims of the attack ask the police to make regular patrols to protect them. These days, there are many attacks of bandits during the night. Many people complain that these attacks (...)

Eight people injured in grenade attack in northern Bujumbura
Residents of Kamenge say they are perplexed by the escalating violence in their area. At least eight people were injured in a grenade explosion on Saturday evening in Kamenge area, northern Bujumbura, police source says. The grenade exploded in front of the home of Kamenge area chief, Espérence Hakizimana. (...)