
Perpetrators of recent attacks in Bujumbura province not yet identified
People not yet identified have carried out armed attacks since 19 February in Mutambu, Nyabiraba, Isare and Kanyosha communes of Bujumbura province. Two police officers and more than 20 combatants died in these attacks, said Pierre Nkurikiye, spokesperson for the Ministry of Public Security at a press conference held (...)

Two year-old Junior in prison in place of his dad
The imprisonment of Junior Nganjiyimana and his mother Aline Ndikumana has provoked uproar since the past few days. Their friends and relatives say the two were imprisoned in place of Théogene Ndikumana, the head of the family, after a search in which weapons were found. The family denounces a (...)

Burundi President pleads for “fair trial” for Iwacu journalists in jail
After a largely positive assessment he made for almost 15 years as the president of the Republic of Burundi, the recommendations for his successor, Pierre Nkurunziza shed light on the current people’s concerns during a publ broadcast. It was last Thursday, December 26, in Gitega province. Here are some (...)

Burundi accuses Rwanda of perpetrating recent attack against military position
“For the nth time, the Government of Burundi has just been attacked in the night of 16 to 17 November 2019 by a neighboring country,” read the statement released on November 28 by Burundi government. Prosper Ntahorwamiye, Burundi government secretary and spokesman said that during that night, the Rwandan (...)
Breaking news

Residents of Mabayi gripped by fear
The presence of heavily armed Rwandan soldiers at the border is causing fear among the population of the neighboring area with Rwanda. The administration reassures and calls on the population to identify any new people in the area. The inhabitants of Ruhororo, Miremera, Gitukura localities of Ruhororo area and (...)

Corpse discovered in Ngagara, north of Bujumbura
A dead body was discovered in the morning of October 2nd in Ngagara area, in Ntahangwa commune in the north of Bujumbura city. The victim is called Déo Irakoze, a thirty-year young man from Ijenda area, Mugongomanga commune of Bujumbura province. His body was lying in the gutter of (...)

Burundi Government resents foreign interference in 2020 elections
In his address during the general debate of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly on September 30th, Burundi Minister of Foreign Affairs has said that any attempt by some states to interfere with the Burundian elections will be an attack on the national sovereignty. Ezéchiel Nibigira, Burundian (...)

CNL party denounces acts of political intolerance towards its members
The National Congress for Freedom (CNL), an opposition party says to be worried about increasing political intolerance towards its members. It accuses members of the ruling CNDD-FDD youth wing, administrative and security authorities of persecuting them. “CNL party meets with resistance from some administrative and security authorities with a (...)

CNL opposition party refused to establish communal office in Gatumba
In the night of July 24, a grenade was thrown in a house recently rented by CNL, an opposition, in Mushasha I locality of Gatumba area in Mutimbuzi commune of Bujumbura province. The house was supposed to serve as CNL party office in that commune. Sources on the spot (...)

Four killed in armed attack in north of Bujumbura
At least four people have been killed in an attack led by unidentified armed people in the night of May 28, police spokesman says. They attacked Nestor Ntakarutimana’s home located in Kanga neighborhood of Kinama zone in the north of Bujumbura city. “Before breaking into Ntakarutimana’s house, the criminals (...)