
RANAC party to participate in 2020 elections at any cost

Aloys Baricako, Chairman of RANAC says his party is determined to participate in the 2020 elections under any circumstances. “The texts governing our party are clear. RANAC party will no longer boycott the elections unless there is a major force preventing all Burundians from partaking in them,” he says.

Aloys Baricako: “RANAC party will no longer boycott the elections unless there is a major force preventing all Burundians from partaking in them”.

Mr. Baricako says the boycott helps the ruling party to completely dominate the elections as it has happened since 2010. He says the crisis between political parties that want to restore and protect the Arusha Peace Agreement, their untimely internal fragmentation and election boycott have directly strengthened the ruling party. “These games aren’t effective anymore in reinforcing sustainable democracy,” he says.

RANAC Chairman says the party is determined to participate in the 2020 elections whether in coalition or alone. “We are still a member of CNARED coalition which is also convinced to participate in the 2020 elections,” he says adding that if the coalition boycotts the elections, RANAC will leave it.

He, however, deplores the persistence of hostile coalitions and the fragmentation of opposition parties. He refers to the creation of a new platform of politicians in exile- CFOR-Arusha constituted by former members of the opposition platform in exile- CNARED.