Mugara II Basic School of Rumonge province in the south of Burundi faces severe lack of school equipment. Classrooms of the1st and 2nd grades do not have writing desks. Schoolchildren sit on the stones or on the ground covered with dust when studying while in other classrooms, four pupils share a desk.

Pupils sit on the floor while studying
The school has 500 pupils and students and is composed of 14 classes. Only seven out of 14 classrooms are cemented. Classrooms do not have doors or windows.
Florida Nisubire, teacher in the 2nd grade at Mugara II Basic School says children struggle to write because of deplorable conditions. “They often stay off because they get tired as they sit on the floor,” she says. She doesn’t hope to have good results as long as the children study in these conditions. “They are still small children. How can they take the courses sitting on the floor covered with dust and get good marks? “she wonders.
The majority of pupils in this school are returnees. “Their parents are not able to pay contributions to buy school equipment,” says Emile Nsengiyumva, chairman of the School Management Committee. He also denounces the lack of water at this school. “We are concerned that if ever there is a cholera outbreak, our children will contract it,” he says.
Concilie Nijimbere, deputy headmaster of Mugara II Basic says the school lack student books. “Teachers are forced to write texts on the board when they teach either Kirundi or French,” says Nijimbere. She explains that the lack of school equipment is a barrier to student success. Rumonge province was ranked last in the National Test Edition 2018-2019.