Since the past two weeks, there has been a new organization of public transport in the city of Bujumbura. Some bus stops have been removed others created. Some passengers complain.

Charles Ntirampeba: “We don’t want to see anybody standing for more than ten minutes waiting for a bus in the future”.
Séraphine Nitunga, a woman in her forties met on ‘28 Novembre’ road, near Roi Khaled Hospital in the morning, has said she struggles to get a bus every morning. She complains that being late at her job has become a routine. “I have been waiting for a bus for thirty minutes. I am about to be late at work,” she has said.
Another passenger met at the same bus stop, calls on the association in charge of transport to settle this problem because it has been a major issue for some people. “This has become a big problem as I always spend almost an hour waiting for a bus. This has become a constant struggle and it can cost me my job as I always get to work late”.
Other passengers appreciate the reorganization of the public transport domain in the Burundian capital. Iteriteka lives in Carama quarter (North of Bujumbura). She says buses used to leave her midway but now arrive at her home.
Charles Ntirampeba, Secretary General of the Association of Public Transport System in Burundi (ATRABU) says after consultations with bus users and the administration, the association has decided to reorganize the public transport in the city to shun disorder. “ATRABU has divided transport buses into different small groups according to given destinations to avoid disorder”.
Ntirampeba says some people complain because they have not yet seen the advantages of this reorganization because it is still new. He says their mission is to make it easy for the population using public transport to move in the city. “Our objective is to facilitate the movement of the population in the city. We don’t want to see anybody standing for more than ten minutes waiting for a bus in the future,” he has said.