
Population Media Center (PMC): opportunity with innovative Burundi Health Radio Program

This opportunity coincides with the launch of a new radio soap opera produced by Population Media Center on women and children’s health and nutrition in Burundi.-By Diane Uwimana

Jean Bosco Ndayishimiye: “My dream is that this innovative program in Burundi will generate significant positive results, causing behavior change in Burundi society”.©Iwacu

Jean Bosco Ndayishimiye: “My dream is that this innovative program in Burundi will generate significant positive results, causing behavior change in Burundi society”.©Iwacu

The radio drama so-called “Agashi” (Hey, Look Again!) addresses issues such as child nutrition and family planning through intriguing storylines and plot twists. Over the course of the episodes, characters demonstrate choices and consequences, learning from their actions and teaching listeners as well. “Agashi” will last approximately two years, airing two episodes per week on different local radios such as Isanganiro, Bonesha FM, National Radio and African Public Radio (RPA). “This program will obviously be an exciting one,” says Kriss Barker, the Population Media Center Managing Officer of International Programs through a Press Release occurred this Monday morning: “We’re thrilled that our work will get more young people involved in addressing these issues.”

“These positions at PMC will offer fellows an opportunity to contribute meaningfully in the improvement of life conditions in Burundi and increase their skills and knowledge by working with dedicated managers and mentors at PMC. My dream is that this innovative program in Burundi will generate significant positive results, causing behavior change in Burundi society”, says Jean Bosco Ndayishimiye, Country Representative. “We are so excited to be partners with Population Media Center on this project,” says Jean Marie Karikurubu, the Burundi Program Manager at Global Health Corps: “Their mission and their communication strategies have proved to be very effective and we’re eager to urge our fellows to get involved in this project in Burundi.”

“We are seeking passionate young professionals”

For the first time, US-based Population Media Center has teamed up with Global Health Corps to pay agents working in USA and in Burundi. The organizations are seeking passionate young professionals who are committed to global health and social justice to start working from July 2014. In the press release, Kriss Barker says that they have never done that before: “It’s really exciting and different. We are looking for two great fellows, fluent in French since our Burundi office is entirely French-speaking.” The Global Health Corps fellows will be an integral part of the Burundi office, helping through two large projects: program promotion and program research.
Program promotion will include items such as advertisements and events to generate awareness and encourage active engagement in the community. Program research will include items such as leading focus groups, analyzing listener responses and helping writers with key information to influence storyline and plot development. Global Health Corps will provide a variety of additional training sessions and professional development opportunities as well as a completion award and life-long access to a network of globally-minded change-makers. Global Health Corps mission is to mobilize a global community of emerging leaders to work for health equity. This commitment to health as a human right aligns perfectly with Population Media Center’s effort to address the population stabilization through four pillars: improving human health, human rights, economic equality and environmental protection.

All applicants must be 30 years old or less, proficient in English with an undergraduate university diploma by July 2014. For more information, visit.