“54.2% of children under the age of five suffer from chronic malnutrition,” said Thaddée Ndikumana, Burundi Minister of Health while presenting a donation given by the World Bank to improve the health of children before parliamentarians this Wednesday.

Thadée Ndikumana, Burundi Health Minister: “54.2% of children under the age of five suffer from chronic malnutrition”
Mr Ndikumana has said 3.7% of children under the age of 5 suffer from wasting disease, 5.1% suffer from anemia while others are born with anemia because their mothers did not take essential vitamins needed when they were pregnant.
Mr Ndikumana referred to the report published by the Burundi Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies-ISTEEBU.
Parliamentarians have expressed their concerns over that high rate of chronic malnutrition while the government claims that food production is abundant in the country.
MP Léopold Hakizimana wonders how more than 50% of children can suffer from chronic malnutrition while the Minister of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock says that food production is plentiful.
“The two ministers must explain to us the cause of this increased malnutrition among children in a country where agricultural production is abundant,” said Hakizimana.
MP Lénate wonders how the government will fight these malnutrition-related illnesses as long as some Burundians still live in extreme poverty.
The Health Minister affirms that food production is abundant. He believes that different ministries must collaborate to properly execute the program of improving children health.
“Burundians lack nutrition education,” he added.