
Demonstrations outside France Embassy after the UNSC vote for the 2303 resolution
Several activists of the ruling party and their supporters from Bujumbura neighborhoods gathered in front of France Embassy to express their dissatisfaction on Saturday, 30 July. The aim of the gathering was the disapproval of “the initiative of Paris accused of being the root cause of the resolution that (...)

Burundi : toward a protracted crisis
Benjamin Chemouni* After more than a year of turmoil, the crisis in Burundi is becoming normalised. Violence has become part of daily life for Burundians again. In the international media, Burundi is not making the headlines as it did a few months ago. Hope of a quick resolution has (...)

Assault on the rule of law
A judicial crisis of serious magnitude has been added to the political fiasco that has gripped Burundi since President Pierre Nkurunziza announced his intention to seek re-election for a third term come June 2015. The country’s Constitutional Court’s ruling that the third term bid has constitutional backing has sparked (...)

“Muzungu! Buhorobuhoro: “ – Burundi through the eyes of a German Visitor”
« I›ll spend my holidays in Burundi. “Where?” – “Burundi?”Ah. In which country is that again? “It’s sad because in Germany many people have never heard about Burundi. So, how do you describe it? – By Luisa Wawrzinek Burundi is a country, where, “today” literally means the same thing (...)

Africa: a house divided by itself
As Africa awaits the African Union meeting in Addis Ababa many still ponder the impact the summit would have on the people of the continent in as far as international justice is concerned – By Mundia Mundia At the formation of the Organization of African Unity in 1963, the (...)