
Over 420 cholera cases recorded in two months in Bujumbura City
Thaddée Ndikumana, Minister of Public Health says the number of people suffering from cholera continues to increase since it was declared last July. “At least two cases of cholera are recorded per day,” says Minister Ndikumana. He also says Bujumbura neighborhoods are the most affected. “The poor sanitation is (...)

Interview with Dr Aimé Ndayizeye: «Immense progress remains to be made»
A month after the Mexico City International AIDS Congress, the Director of the National AIDS Programme (PNLS) said the pandemic is not over yet. According to the WHO, every year about 1.9 million people are infected with HIV/AIDS. What about Burundi? The situation is no longer alarming, at (...)

WHO recommends more scientific research on Artemisia
In a workshop organized by the municipality of Bujumbura in collaboration with ACECI, the World Health Organization-WHO has said Artemisia has not yet been approved as a medicine for malaria. Dismas Mbaza, Program Officer at World Health Organization in Burundi has said researchers should send their results to the (...)

Burundi, DRC to work together to fight Ebola
Reinforcing measures to prevent Ebola disease by multiplying control posts on unknown pathways at the borders is one of the major activities to be undertaken by Burundi and the DRC. It was revealed during a meeting organized in the economic capital Bujumbura between the Burundian delegation and South Kivu (...)

Burundi Second Vice President visits sites where Ebola preparedness activities are conducted
The Second Vice-President of the Republic, Dr. Joseph Butore conducted this Tuesday, August 20, 2019 a field visit to inquire about the progress of the preparedness of Burundi to respond to Ebola Virus Disease. Dr. Joseph Butore said he was satisfied with the step already taken and wished more (...)

Over 4300 Burundians to be immunized against Ebola
The Ministry of Public Health has begun a vaccination campaign against Ebola virus at Gatumba border post on 13 August. Beneficiaries are the front line health workers. Agents working for Burundi Revenue Authority, banks, soldiers and police officers operating in 21 districts prioritized in the preparation for the Ebola (...)

Catnip, another means of preventing malaria in Burundi
In a press conference held on August 13th, the Ministry of Health has said catnip can help to fight against malaria. Thaddée Ndikumana, Burundian Minister of Health says mosquito nets were made to protect people from mosquitoes in the night. “However, due to climate change, we have realized that (...)

Health Ministry calls on population to go for hepatitis check-up
On the occasion of the celebration of the World Hepatitis Day, the Ministry of Health has called on Burundians to go for regular hepatitis check-up. “Over 2% of blood donors through the national center of blood transfusion-CNTS suffer from hepatitis,” says Thaddée Ndikumana, Burundian Minister of Public Health, adding (...)

Measures to prevent cholera not yet implemented in Bujumbura city
The trade and movement of cooked food, juice, water packed in plastic bags…are still observed in public places in the economic capital Bujumbura. On 7 August, around 10: 30 a.m. on 24th Avenue in Buyenzi neighborhood, people rush to prepare foods. “We think that we are not concerned by (...)

Health Ministry says malaria is not epidemic in Burundi
At a press conference held on August 7th, the Burundi Minister of Public Health has said malaria cases have not yet reached the rate to be declared as an epidemic in Burundi. “Over 4, 3 million people have suffered from malaria in the period of six months of 2019,” (...)