
National Assembly urges political leaders to supervise its members for 2020 elections

Pascal Nyabenda, Speaker of the National Assembly has exhorted leaders of the political parties to always remember that they are primarily responsible for the behavior of their members. “They must be adequately supervised and be prepared for the 2020 elections. Harmony should be preserved in the country,” says MP Nyabenda. It was in the opening ceremony of the last annual parliamentary legislature exercise 2019-2020, that has taken place this 1st August.

The National Assembly opens its first ordinary parliamentary session for 2019-

He said leaders of political parties must play an important role during the campaign to explain the content of the electoral code. “There is a need to prepare voters so that the upcoming 2020 elections be characterized by peace, tolerance, mutual respect and inclusion,” he says.
Speaker of the National Assembly also calls on security forces, local administrative and juridical officials and the population to be more vigilant. “Peace enemies are waiting for a good opportunity at the beginning of the electoral process”, he says.

During the first ordinary parliamentary session for the period 2019-2020, MPs will analyze nine draft bills. Pascal Nyabenda has then exhorted MPs to work tirelessly during this last period of the 2015/2020 legislature. “The fact that political parties are making lists of new MPs should not discourage you, serving a nation is not only becoming an MP,” he concludes.