The coalition of independents “Amizero y’Abarundi” has begun the referendum campaign at “Muremera” stadium in Ngozi province. Agathon Rwasa, Chairman of the coalition and First Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Yves Sahinguvu, former First Deputy President of Burundi, Evariste Ngayimpenda from UPRONA party and other members of this coalition have taken part in the campaign.

Supporters of “Amizero y’Abarundi” independent coalition started the referendum campaign with a march
They had put on t-shirts and caps on which was written “Tora Oya” meaning “Vote No”. The campaign started with a march heading to Muremera stadium in Ngozi. Amizero y’Abarundi followers were singing songs and chanting slogans praising Agathon Rwasa, the leader of the coalition.
At the stadium, Agathon Rwasa has urged all Burundians to vote “no” to the constitutional referendum scheduled for 17 May “for a better future of all Burundians including the youth conducting night patrols,” he has said.
Mr Rwasa has also said the government has been stealthy while drafting this Constitution to be put to the referendum for amendment. “I only saw it yesterday,” he has said adding that this project to amend the constitution does not emanate from the population.
Agathon Rwasa has also said this draft constitution excludes some Burundians for the benefit of others. “The draft constitution abolishes the Arusha Agreement which put an end to ethnic conflicts in the country”.
The chairman of the coalition of independents has urged Burundians not to listen to those who call them to vote “yes”.