The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has given this 18 February a master plan for developing drinking water supply in Bujumbura until 2030 to the Burundian company that distributes water and electricity (REGIDESO). This project will cost nearly $ 88 million.

Philippe Beauverd giving a master plan to develop drinking water supply in Bujumbura to Siméon Habonimana, Managing Director of REGIDESO
This plan aims to define a short and medium-term drinking water supply strategy, identify and prioritize rehabilitation and extension projects for the drinking water supply network in the economic capital Bujumbura.
The diagnostic phase showed that the water loss rate represents 45% which is mainly due to the infrastructure destruction, especially the water pipes and pumps during the heavy rain period.
“It is therefore urgent to replace the damaged pipes,” has said Siméon Habonimana, Managing Director of REGIDESO, adding that “20 km of water pipes must be replaced every year.”
He says the presentation of this master plan is an opportunity to ask the REGIDESO partners to give their contributions to successfully carry out this project.
The budget required to complete this project is approximately $ 88 million. “We will first need $ 20 million to reduce the loss rate up to 30%,” says Mr Habonimana.
In his speech, Philippe Beauverd, head of the ICRC delegation in Burundi, has said that finding the necessary budget to carry out this project remains a major problem.
“This master plan recommends actions in order of priority and the corresponding budgets,” said Beauverd adding that “the interventions recommended in this report are essential for the inhabitants of Bujumbura so that they no longer experience a constant deterioration of drinking water sources with the consequences it may cause on their health.”