More than ten students from Nyarushanga fundamental school in Mugongo-Manga commune of Bujumbura province have been seriously injured due to a strong wind and a very heavy rain that hit the locality in the night of November 27. “One of them has been transferred to Bujumbura city and five others are receiving treatment at Ijenda hospital,” says Diomède Ndabahinyuye, Administrator of Mugongo-Manga commune in Bujumbura province.

Crops damaged by heavy rain in Mugongo-Manga
He also said 18 houses were destroyed while 40ha of crops of maize and potato were damaged. Local residents are disappointed. “We ignore where we will spend this night”, says one inhabitant from the locality. Her house has been destroyed and her belongings damaged by the heavy rain mixed with storms. “Humanitarians should support us,” she said.
Mr. Ndabahinyuye said Nyarushanga locality is the most affected by the incident. He calls on humanitarian organizations to support the victims. “They need to be supported. They lack food and non-food. Students don’t have any books and copybooks as they have been damaged,” he said.