
Ernest Manirumva: Olucome denounces miscarriage of justice after 11 years

Alexis Deswaef, lawyer of the corruption-watchdog-Olucome says there are no investigation and fair trial that have been so far carried out to bring the real murderers and sponsors of the assassination of Ernest Manirumva before the court in Burundi. “This is a miscarriage of justice after 11 years of his assassination,” says Deswaef.

Ernest Manirumva was killed in the night of 8-9 April 2009

He also says OLUCOME has noticed that people who were prosecuted and would probably be implicated in his assassination are free except Hilaire Ndayizamba detained for over 10 years.” These fallacious procedures and convictions should be cancelled to resume the investigations so that the truth be revealed,” he says.

The lawyer also adds that Olucome asked, in January 2020, for a new schedule of this case before the cassation court in vain. “The last hearing was scheduled for September 4, 2014 before being postponed indefinitely,” says the lawyer adding that this case had been fixed before the Supreme Court twice but the hearings were postponed over hidden motives.

Lawyer Deswaef says Olucome plans to bring this case to the international bodies. “We expect to appeal to the African Union Court for Human Rights and also refer to the UN rapporteur for the lack of independence of Burundian judicial officials,” he says.

Ernest Manirumva was the Deputy Chairman of Olucome. He was killed in the night of 8-9 April 2009. Iwacu has tried to look for the office of the General Attorney but to no avail.
