In a press briefing held this Wednesday 19 December 2018, the spokesperson for the ministry of education has said students who have not passed the national test allowing them to go on with the post basic education should stop where they are and register in vocational schools as required by the law.

Edouard Juma: “We have the list of successful students in our database”.
Juma Edouard has said the ministry of education is making an inventory of all students’ files to see those who moved to the next class after they have succeeded and those who also advanced but have not succeeded. “There is no room for cheating. We have the list of successful students in our database. Whoever will be caught will be punished according to the law”.
Mr. Juma says students guilty of falsifying school documents are punished according to Article 31 of the law on the organization of the education ministry. “Those students will be dismissed from school. They are also liable to prosecution for forgery”.
Mr. Juma also says there are school principals who made some arrangements for some students so that they should move to the next class while they have failed. “In some post-basic private technical schools, there have been cases of marks falsification on school reports after deliberation to allow students who do not deserve it to go to the upper class,” he says adding that such school officials will be penalized.
He calls on all the people involved in the illegal act of allowing unsuccessful students to move to the upper class to suspend those students from keeping studying before it is too late.
The spokesperson for the ministry of education made public the concern because there are many irregularities observed in post-basic technical education especially in private schools.