Nestor Bankumukunzi, chairman of Burundi media regulator (CNC), presented on 24 October the quarterly achievements of medias authorized to operate in Burundi. He suggested that media officials should master the newly adopted press law, popularize it among journalists and closely supervise journalists and communication technicians in order to work in compliance with the law.

Nestor Bankumukunzi urges media officials to master the newly adopted press law and popularize it among journalists.
According to him, CNC attaches great importance to the media which are more followed by the public than others. “The products that are much consumed are supposed to have an impact on the society,” says Bankumukunzi, adding that CNC as well as the population that consume media products monitor news organizations.
Mr Bankumukunzi says CNC sometimes imposes sanctions against media that violate the law to serve the public interest. “CNC does not rejoice when any media outlet is closed or banned from broadcasting for a given time,” he says arguing that CNC must ensure the law is respected.
He calls on the media officials to make sure that their journalists comply with the law. “It’s not to hurt them. It’s rather a way of helping them, as mentors, to accomplish their mission by avoiding mistakes that could harm their media organizations.”
The chairman of CNC is pleased that the media working in Burundi have lately been successful. “We encouraged them to continue along the same path.” He, however, admitted that CNC reported some professional mistakes committed by some media outlets.
“That’s why we gave them some advice. This goes into the missions of our body to promote the press through coaching,” he concludes.