
CNARED members who arrived in Bujumbura haven’t returned from exile, sources say

Members of the opposition coalition in exile CNARED who arrived in Bujumbura on Saturday October 5th have not returned from exile. They came to lead a precursor mission, to talk with the Burundian authorities, according to the same sources.

Anicet Niyonkuru, chairman of CDP at Melchior Ndadaye International Airport

Anicet Noyonkuru, chairman of CDP party and also executive secretary of the opposition coalition in exile CNARED came to Burundi on 5 October. He came along with Mames Bansubiyeko, also member of CDP.

CNARED members did not appreciate the fact that the government popularized through the media the “return” of their political comrades to Burundi. “They are conducting a precursory mission to talk with Burundian authorities. This is not what some media have announced,” regret CNARED sources.
Opposition members say they deplore this “unexpected” media campaign that they perceive as a political capital made by Burundi government that is wrongly described as a definitive return of exiled political opponents.”

They, however, say they will “keep a constructive and positive spirit”. Our sources recall that their envoys to Burundi have their tickets to go back and they will leave in a few days. “It is a precursor mission that should not been popularized through the media. But we do this as peace is priceless,” our sources conclude.

The chairman of CDP announced his willingness to participate in the 2020 elections. In early September, Burundian Ombudsman Edouard Nduwimana had met in Nairobi with politicians in exile to convince them to return home.