In a statement released on December 1st following the meeting held in Kampala from November 29 to 1 December, the opposition platform in exile CNARED says opposition parties affiliated with it have agreed to form a coalition in order to properly prepare for and win the 2020 elections.

Tatien Sibomana: “We cannot coalesce with CNARED members since they prepare the meetings alone without consulting us”
That platform asks other opposition parties to join it. “CNARED recommends other opposition parties to join us to form a broad rally in order to restore the legality, democracy and Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in Burundi,” reads the statement.
Tatien Sibomana, a political opponent living in the country, agrees with CNARED’s recommendation to form an opposition coalition to compete with the ruling party CNDD-FDD, but accuses the platform of excluding other political opponents.
“In the 5th round of the inter-Burundian dialogue, political opponents who attended it agreed that if ‘we must participate in the 2020 elections, we should participate as an opposition bloc,'” says Sibomana.
He, however, deplores that CANRED excludes other opposition parties.
“We cannot coalesce with CNARED members since they prepare the meetings alone without consulting us,” says Sibomana.
This political opponent calls on CNARED to organize an inclusive meeting with all representatives of opposition parties to discuss strategies to fulfill their common wishes.
CNARED coalition has already expressed its willingness to participate in the upcoming elections scheduled for May 2020.