
Charity association calls for financial assistance to treat 11 cardiac patients

The local charity association ‘Maison Bon Samaritain’ calls for charitable acts to help children suffering from heart diseases that require surgery abroad.

Emelyne Niyokwizera, one of the children who suffer from the heart disease waiting to be treated in France.

Emelyne Niyokwizera, one of the children who suffer from the heart disease waiting to be treated in France.

“My daughter, aged four, is sick since birth. Several doctors have consulted her and told me she was born with heart disease, “says Nyandwi Melchior, a Cibitoke resident. He says his child is currently in critical condition. “His illness got worse. She no longer eats normally and does not grow and her chest swells up more and more. The doctors told me that she had to undergo surgery abroad. I need BIF 11 million to have my child treated. I have already sold a plot and collected contributions from my family members. He says he only has BIF400, 000 that is still little according to him. He calls on anyone who can to help him.

Niyongabo Jérôme, the father of Manirumva Brice, also suffering from heart disease, calls on the benefactors to help him transfer his child to France to have a cardiac surgery. “I need BIF 4 million. I am not able to pay that amount.

I am an ordinary soldier. All my money was spent on medical exams and other medications he has been taking since he was diagnosed with the disease, “Niyongabo says.

The charity association ‘Maison Bon Samaritain’ that assists patients who need medical care not available in Burundi says it is aware of the case of the two children. “We specifically deal with all cases that are operable for children under the age of fifteen and heart cases for adults under sixty,” says Alexis Butoyi, the representative of ‘Maison Bon Samaritain’

Butoyi says the association connects patients and associations based in France, Belgium, England, Egypt and Sudan looking after cardiac patients who cannot be treated in their countries because of lack of financial means or techniques. “These associations pay the costs of operation and stay in a foreign country”. The pay between 12 thousand and 20 thousand Euro for each patient, says Butoyi.

11 patients are not able to afford plane tickets

Sending patients abroad is not easy. “The patient must have medical examinations, airline tickets, passport, and yellow fever certificate which cost a lot of money,” says Butoyi. He also says sometimes patients die before travelling or because they could not afford to get plane tickets.

Butoyi says 29 patients are scheduled to go abroad for medical treatment. He says 11 of them are unable to pay the necessary costs to get there.

This association, which was created in 2012, transferred over 140 patients overseas to get free heart surgery. The treatment has been successful for 141 patients, two died and another child returned without any treatment as his illness developed complications.

The representative of ‘Maison Bon Samaritain’ calls on anyone to give their contribution to save lives. “Let no one think that others will do it.” He invites anyone who hears his call to do something.

Those who want to help can send their contributions to the parents’ bank accounts; to Iwacu Newspaper office or ‘Maison Bon Samaritain’ office.