The movement of customers and travelers has significantly decreased at Bujumbura City Market commonly known as “kwa Siyoni”. Some travel agencies inside this market are closed while some others are opened by agency officers who to stay there to spend time.

Business at Bujumbura City Market slows down
This situation is due to the preventive measures taken by the Burundian government to close all Burundian borders to combat the spread of Covid-19.
This market houses the offices of bus travel agencies and taxis transporting passengers to DRC, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda.
A travel agency agent for Bujumbura-Bukavu in the neighboring DRC applauds the measures taken to prevent the spread of coronavirus despite the loss he is suffering.
Shoe traders operating in this market indicate that the majority of their customers are Congolese. They say they will lose their loyal customers during Easter holidays.
Aware of the danger of covid-19, these traders avoid complaining, “Good health above all!” says one of the traders.
The similar situation is observed in drink warehouses located at this market.
“Customers have significantly decreased as the majority of them come from DRC,” says the warehouse manager.