
Burundian Youths are Able

Gathered in Youth Entrepreneurs’ Park, Burundian youths have found out solutions in fighting against unemployment and creating their own jobs.-Diane Uwimana

Emile Uwezowamungu: “We have noted that it is important to train and organize youths through their own activities.” ©Iwacu

Emile Uwezowamungu: “We have noted that it is important to train and organize youths through their own activities.” ©Iwacu

“Our main objective is to create long and sustainable jobs as youths constitute about 60% of the population. We want to promote entrepreneurship to youths,” says Emile Uwezowamungu, the Coordinator of the Youth Entrepreneurs’ Park Project. He adds that this project comes to change Burundian youths’ mentality and spirit in creating innovative jobs through entrepreneurship. “Since its creation, we have got 32 Entreprises which joined us to achieve our objectives more easily,” points out Uwezowamungu.
He indicates that in the country, the lack of employment is a major challenge encountered by the youths. “Most graduates from Universities do not have access to jobs easily. Then, we want to put our ideas together and make much effort for creating our own jobs,” he mentions.
“In our park, we have some activities which are in progress: building, supplying diverse furniture, making audit and accounting in different local companies, business plan, teaching ICT … We are also thinking about other activities to carry out in our park,” clarifies Uwezowamungu.

“Dear youths, be your own employers! ”

The Coordinator indicates that before taking part in that park you must fulfil some requirements: “you must have an idea of how to create an enterprise and be ready to begin activities. So, you must contribute BIF ten thousand for the savings system in order to secure and ensure your enterprise’s idea. Then, it is also important to have the permission of your enterprise’s colleagues to keep the spirit of working in team,” explains Uwezowamungu. He also states that this park has set up another project called Youths are Able. “We have noted that it is important to train and organize youths through their own activities. Then, we have different stages such as training, accompanying and integrating them through the real activity,” he highlights.
Uwezowamungu mentions that the park should help its members fund any activity of an entrepreneur but in return he/she must give back the money to preserve the savings system: “We have already received some partners and they have agreed to work closely with us including Segal Family Foundation, EBUCO, African Innovation Prize, Buddy and others.”
Virginie Niyonizigiye, one of the Park’s members and the owner of the Affairs’ Guide Company which makes audit and accounting in different local companies, mentions that there are many advantages to work in partnership with others. “My first clients and marketing agents are the Park’s members. Moreover, we share experience as we are graduated from different Universities and

Higher Institutions.”

She calls upon other youths to wake up and work closely with others. “It is our duty to look for our future and do not await jobs from the Government as we must take it as a partner not an employer.” The same view is shared with Uwezowamungu: “Those who have energy and creative spirit should join us and work closely with us in order to build our future. It belongs to us not to the government”. Note that the “Youths are Able” Project has received a prize from Segal Family Foundation for its innovative and creative activity in a long and sustainable project.
Emile Uwezowamungu is a young graduate from the University of Burundi in the Department of Higher Technology “ITS” in the Civil Engineering Section. He created “CASTEC”, a Construction Technical Services Architecture Centre while he was a student in 2009. At present, he employs about 300 workers. Thanks to the BBIN training, he trains others using CASTEC background experience.
