“There is still a long way to go to improve our performance. We face problems of means of transport to conduct activities on the field, “said Sixte Vigny Nimuraba, chairman of the Independent National Commission for Human Rights (CNIDH) at the end of a four-day training workshop for commissioners and executives of the commission which was held from 23 to 27 September.

Sixte Vigny Nimuraba, CNIDH chairman: “We face problems of means of transport to conduct field activities”
This workshop was organized under the technical and financial support of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights through the Center for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa.
Dr Nimuraba said the commission uses old vehicles granted to it in 2012. The Commission must use its limited means to conduct activities. “CNIDH must multiply activities on the field to realize the real situation of human rights and be involved in several activities to satisfy the population,” he added.
He called on the government and CNIDH partners to support the commission in order to improve its working conditions. “We hope to have the commitment to continue the cooperation and collaboration in the future,” he said.
Bamazi Tchaa, the Representative of the Regional Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights who was also a trainer in the workshop said that this training was an opportunity for CNIDH commissioners to examine why and how this commission was downgraded from status A to status B in order to improve its performance to regain its status A.