
Burundi confirms new COVID-19 case

The Ministry of Health has confirmed a new coronavirus case which raises the number of infection to 12. In a statement released on 24 April, Thaddée Ndikumana, Minister of Health said the new COVID-19 patient is a trainee nurse working at Prince Louis Rwagasore Hospital that houses COVID-19 patients.

Thaddée Ndikumana, Minister of Health

“This COVID-19 positive case was identified in a test carried out on 60 people who have been in contact with 5 people previously tested positive for COVID-19,” read in this press release.

Gabriel Rufyiri, Chairman of the Observatory Fighting against Corruption and Economic Embezzlement, is concerned about the spread of this pandemic in Burundi as public gatherings continue to be held.

The Ministry of Health granted COVID-19 protection materials on April 24 to the National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) and leaders of the political parties to avoid the spread of this pandemic during the electoral campaign scheduled for 27 April.

The Ministry granted surgical masks to CENI. They will be worn by CENI agents during elections. “CENI has planned more than 14,600 polling stations. The Ministry, therefore, granted more than 30,000 soaps to CENI. That is, each polling station will have two soaps to allow all voters to wash their hands. The Ministry has also granted more than 2,000 buckets equipped with taps,” said Ndikumana.

Minister Ndikumana said his ministry had also granted 300 thermo-flashes to political parties and independent candidates for the upcoming elections to allow screening people at the entrance and inside the stadiums. “People whose fever will increase will be taken to health facilities,” said Mr. Ndikumana while specifying that those who are in good health will attend political rallies.
