The delay of books in different post- basic schools in Burundi leads to non-completion of the programs. Teachers from two public secondary schools in Bujumbura city council, namely” Lycée Municipal Rohero” and” Lycée Municipal Bwiza” (in Mukaza commune), call on the government to avail books for the 2nd term as soon as possible.

Post- basic school
“We have not yet got the books for the 2nd school term which has begun this Monday 9 January 2017”, says one of the teachers at Rohero secondary school, on condition of anonymity.
Another mathematics teacher at Rohero secondary school says the non- completion of their program is due to the books delay. “We got books for the first term late. We received them in October, 3weeks after the beginning of the school year. This is the reason why we have not finished the first term program », he says.
“I have hardly taught 85 percent of the first term program”, says a mathematics teacher at Bwiza secondary school, on condition of anonymity. “We have received the books for the first term late, the reason why it was impossible to complete the program successfully”, he also says.
The delay in first term activities impacts on the second term, anonymously says an English teacher at Bwiza secondary school. “Lessons are planned according to weeks. So, when you are one week late, the lessons for the following weeks are affected», she says.
The mathematics teacher at Rohero secondary school calls on the Education Ministry to provide the books for 2nd term very urgently.
Joel Gashaka in charge of studies and programs in post- basic school in Burundi says the books are almost ready.
“The distribution of the books will be handled following the students’ lists in order to know the exact number of books needed. Some headmasters have not yet sent us the lists, but we plan to distribute the books this Friday 13 January 2017 “, Gashaka says.
The government started the new system of basic education in 2013.It extends up to nine years. The post- basic school system has begun in September 2016 and receives students who have just completed their basic education. The beginning of the post- basic education came up with some significant innovations. Programs are divided into 3 parts, which is why each school term requires appropriate books.