The spokesman for the Ministry of Education has announced this 5 September that the school year 2017-2018 will begin on 11 September 2017.

Ngozi II Basic School
The school year 2017-2018 will begin on 11 September for basic and post-basic schools, said Juma Edouard, spokesman for the Ministry of Education on 5 September.
He has called on headmasters to do whatever it takes to complete the preparations so that all schools start the school year on 11 September. He also appealed to the Provincial and Communal Directors of Education to meet the deadline.
He said grade 9 students from basic schools and self-directed learners of grade 10 who have passed the national test will be soon informed of the schools that they have been admitted to. “The list of students selected for grade 7 to attend schools of excellence will be published shortly,” he said.
Since some private schools started the school year 2017-2018 on 4 September, some parents and students of public schools say they have started to worry about the delayed official beginning of the school year.
“I passed the grade 9 national test, I was admitted to the post-basic school, but until now I do not know where I’m going to study,” says Fabrice Niyomwungere, a student in a basic school of Cibitoke, in Bujumbura. “I started to worry when I saw others going to school while I stayed home.