Rosette BUTOYI

Public university students claim suspension of new law on scholarship
On 27 February 2017, Burundi Government announced the new law on the granting of scholarship in public universities. Students call for the suspension of the decision arguing that it will be to their disadvantage. As defined in the new law, scholarship loan is a financial assistance granted by the (...)

Burundi parliament reacts to APF statement on Burundi current situation
Jocky Chantal Nkurunziza, Second Deputy Head of Burundi Parliament has issued a statement this Monday 27 February 2017 to react to the declaration of the’ Francophonie’ Parliament (AFP) made on 4 February 2017 on the current situation in Burundi. APF said it is worried about figures spread by the (...)

Burundian peacekeepers in CAR trained to use surveillance drone
A team of eight soldiers from the Burundian contingent in MINUSCA, the African Union’s peacekeeping force in Central African republic, has received training on the use of “phantom” surveillance drones, says Gaspard Baratuza, spokesman for Burundi National Defence forces (FDN) on 23 February 2017. «This device will play a (...)

Dialogue should be held in the country, claims Burundian Senator
On 21 February 2017, Evelyne Butoyi, Burundian Senator, wrote an open letter to William Benjamin Mkapa, facilitator in the Burundi crisis, to express her view about the dialogue session recently held in Arusha. “It is an open letter that contains my personal view of the inter-Burundian dialogue process, as (...)

Alice Nzomukunda returns to Burundi after four years in exile
Former 2nd Deputy-President Alice Nzomukunda came back to Burundi on 20 January 2017, after four years of exile in Belgium. She came with Joseph Ntidendereza and Mathias Basabose, two other politicians of the opposition. “Some time ago I was not in Burundi. I want to correct some people who (...)

Burundi has taken measures to contain bird flu
This Monday, 20 February 2017, Déo Guide Rurema, Burundi Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, has announced a number of measures taken to contain bird flu in the country. Among the measures that have been taken by the ministry of agriculture and livestock is the suspension of the movement of (...)

Prepare for short growing season, experts warn
On 16 February 2017, Burundi environment ministry organised a workshop on how to mitigate the impact of the climate change. Theophile Ndarufatiye, the assistant to the environment minister, said climate change is a serious problem. “We are currently witnessing various climatic disturbances all over the world due mainly to (...)

UK Provides Burundi with £2 million
This Thursday 16 February 2017, Joyce Anelay, the British Minister in charge of human rights has visited the Centre in charge of victims of sexual-based violence in Burundi- SERUKA. She announces that UK provides £2million to Burundi, that is, about BIF 5billion. “I am pleased to announce today extra (...)

Civil society and some politicians have no great hopes for Arusha results
Whereas the second session of inter-Burundi dialogue is to start soon, different opinions from both the civil society and some political protagonists show that they don’t believe in the dialogue results. “Our conviction is that any negotiated solution will only be viable if it is, on the one hand, (...)

World Radio Day, opportunity to know media situation in Burundi
This Monday 13 February 2017 is an international day dedicated to radio. It is an opportunity for people to know the situation of Burundi media, says Gabriel Bihumugani, Deputy Head of the national institution which monitors Burundi media-CNC. “This is an opportunity for people to know the number of (...)