Edouard Nkurunziza

Imbonerakure and inyankamugayo from Gashikanwa commune at loggerheads. An incomplete investigation
Clashes erupted on July 15 between the Imbonerakure (youth of the ruling party CNDD-FDD) and the Inyankamugayo (members of the National Congress for Liberty-CNL). In Gitanga locality of Gashikanwa commune and on Masasu hill of the nearby commune of Kiremba in Ngozi province, the situation is tense. Both parties (...)

Political intolerance: Opponents hunted down
In the south, north, east as in the west of the country, cases of aggression against political opponents are increasing. Members of CNL party are the most targeted. Those of FRODEBU and UPRONA parties are also not left behind. Iwacu reporters went to different provinces. Ngozi province The night (...)

Muyinga : Fear in Butihinda
After the clashes in Rukira locality in Butihinda Commune of Muyinga Province on April 20, the members of the opposition are filled with fear. They say they are intimidated, arrested, imprisoned, prevented from mourning for theirs, etc., what the administration and the police reject. Iwacu reporters arrived on the (...)