One month after being honored to receive the Engel Africa Award from the Segal Family Foundation in September in Uganda and selected as the first Burundian to participate in a recent Africa Fashion Reception event in Addis Ababa, Ange Muyubira says she is committed to creating Burundi entrepreneurs’ platform to put Burundi on the map of African Entrepreneurs.
Ange Muyubira with Gracia Machel, Mandela’s wife, after receiving Segal Family Foundation Award in Uganda.
“Then, back in Burundi, I really want to connect with other young entrepreneurs and designers working on their own and see how we can make a platform to help each other be known,” says Muyubira, the manager of Kaz’O’zah Art, recently awarded by Segal Family Foundation.
This American Foundation Segal partners with outstanding organizations to improve the well-being of communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. Organizers selected that Burundian young lady well- known in cultural events in Burundi because she has been able to link fashion to poverty alleviation and job creation.
“I have been selected thanks to the project I am completing through Kaz’O’zah Art. Beside selling beautiful artisans’ products, it trains and supports vulnerable Burundian artisans in combating poverty,” she says.
She explained that beyond training craftsmen, they are given starting kits and supported as they are offered visibility through their products sold on local and international markets.
“After completing their vocation training, they become our partners. We teach them basic business, creativity, cooperation because we want them to understand that they have to work together and achieve better results,” she mentions.
Muyubira believes that Segal Family Foundation award organizers were impressed by the fact that once small artisans completed their courses, they later become partners with Kaz’O’zah Art. They earn 30% more than the average of Burundian artisans or some state’s employees. Their work has a considerable impact on both their respective families and the community.
From 14 to 15th September, Muyubira attended Africa Fashion Reception event held in African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa. The event aimed at showing how fashion can contribute to poverty alleviation and job creation. This was the fourth edition and Burundi had never been represented before.
“Really, it was an honor for me to represent my country. I was selected because after checking on Kaz’O’zah Art web site, organizers found that our objective and the reason behind what we do is fighting poverty and creating jobs,” she says.
For her, it was a great opportunity to meet with other fashion designers from Africa. She stated that it was very important to put Burundi on African Fashion map. “Another event will be held in Paris.
My wish is that someone else can take part in that event next year. I am committed to working together with other Burundian designers to put Burundi on African Fashion map,” she concludes.
Lorraine Josiane Manishatse
Picture caption: Ange Muyubira with Gracia Machel, Mandela’s wife, after receiving Segal Family Foundation Award in Uganda.