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Youth’s Manipulation : “Stand together, express your program and defend it within your party”

05/05/2013 Commentaires fermés sur Youth’s Manipulation : “Stand together, express your program and defend it within your party”

Poverty, unemployment, lack of experience and of information are the reasons why Youth are manipulated by politicians. However,using their own strengths, Youth can build up and develop their respective countries rather than destroying it.

<doc6776|right>“Since our independencein 1962, we have known different critical situations indicating that the Youth have been manipulated and pushed to political violences”, says Pacifique Nininahazwe, the Chairman of the “Forum for Conscience and Development (Focode).
The Youth UPRONA party JRR, continues Nininahazwe, were pushed to commit violences in 1962. The same Youth took part to destroy the country in 1972. Under Frodebu regime in 1993, the Youth of “Gedebu, {Sans Défaite} and {Sans Échec}” played a great role in different violences faced by our country.
The Focode chairman also mentions that since 2005, Youth have participated in criminal actions.

“Today, they are accused of criminal cases, extra judicial executions; they are security agents under the administration and police security’s blessings. For instance, the Cndd-Fdd Imbonerakure Youth are often charged with criminal actions. The Youth from opposition parties “Ivyuma vy’indege of FNL and Intakangwa of Frodebu) sometimes retaliate”, regrets Nininahazwe.

According to Nininahazwe, regarding the role played by young people from different parties during different periods, Focode has thought how to end these violations before the next electoral period in 2015.
“We must prepare our youth tobe responsible and also encourage them to take part in political parties but responsibly. Apart from what divides us,there are many challenges which threaten us. Thus, Burundians must join their forces together to face themin order to build up and develop our country for fulfilling the dream of our ancestors tocreate a peaceful country”, adds the President of Focode.

As a reminder, Pacifique Nininahazwe mentions that Youth are manipulated for different reasons: poverty,unemployment (thinking that serving a strong politiciangives way to job access), lack of experience and informationabout the past are causes of their manipulation.

Better later than never

Representatives of Public and Private Universities, of different parties, civil Association, Regional Youth Centers, have participatedin the activity organized by Focode Association on 18th January.
Thanks to that activity, says Fidèle Ntakarutimana from the University of Burundi,he understands now why Youth are manipulated.

“Youthare not confident of their future. Politicians take advantage of the situation touse them to do what they want”, regrets Ntakarutimana.
According to him, Youth need a certain support in order to overcome dependence.
The same view is shared by Egide Rushamuka, the Students’ Representative of the {Universite du Lac Tanganyika}.

“As young people face many problems like poverty, unemployment, discouragement, exile and children’s participation in war,the government and different institutions must think how to end up with this situation to avoid manipulation”, wishes Rushamuka.
For Zephyrin Matata, the Cndd-Fdd Representative of Youth, there is no use accusing the Youth of different parties, but it is worth looking into the situation to find solutions.

According to Chauvineau Mugwengezo, Representative of the UPD Zigamibanga party, the childhood education influences their behavior in the society.
For him, each Party must have a program dedicated to the youth, so that theycan grow up with a patriotic spirit.

<doc6777|left>Nininahazwe states “If politicians don’t think about changing their behavior, the youth can help them to do it. “Our politicians think about the next election, but never for the next generation. If the youth don’t raise their needs, none can stand up and talk for them. If they do it, politicians can put emphasis on their programs.”

For Frederick Bamvuginyumvira, Representative of Frodebu party, if young people don’t recognize how to claim their rights, manipulators will only show them the good things so that they can reach their purpose.
“Ourpast is like a play with different scenes. What happened in our country has different scenes. We have to look into the beginning and try to get solutions; this will help us reduce our youth’s manipulation. In this case, the Youth will be aware of what they are doing and will prepare their future responsibly. A man becomes what he likes to be”, states Bamvuginyumvira.

“It is better to claim for the right program”

According to Pacifique Nininahazwe, Youth must stand together, be organized and know their objectives and the message will be the same.
“For instance as women are claiming for a better representation in different institutions, the right to inherit,it is clear for Youth to design a clear program responding to their needs: they must also defend their ideas democratically and have a sense of criticism”, says Nininahazwe.

For the Former President Sylvestre Ntibantunganya, the lecturer of the session, considering what happened, youth are really manipulated. “Using the Youth, Burundian politicians want to reach their objectives selfishly, and very often young people become victims of their selfishness”, explains Ntibantunganya.
In his statement, he indicates that they should think about what the country expects from them and not what it does for them.

“Youth led Burundi to Independence. Prince Louis Rwagasore, the Hero of Independence,was 29 old, in that period, Pierre Ngendadumwe, Prime Minister in 1962, was 33. On the other hand, Melchior Ndadaye, the Hero of Democracy, began politics when he was 22old. These are good examples for our Youth”,concludes the President Ntibantunganya.

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