Lundi 24 février 2025


US requests grant refund

05/05/2013 Commentaires fermés sur US requests grant refund

The United States Department of Health and Human Services wants Burundi to return approximately $31,000 (FBU 44 million) in “wasted” grant money, The East African reported over the weekend.

According to an audit by the United States Office of the Inspector General, the money intended to reinforce health and hygiene programs was wasted in over-payments of invoices or claims related to travel per diems.

The audit report covered programs supported by Global Fund grants in Africa, Eastern Europe and South America.

The OIG noted that while the programmes supported by Global Fund grants in Burundi, Malawi and Ukraine had achieved notable successes, there were significant weaknesses in financial, procurement and sub-recipient management.

In the audit of grants to Malawi, the OIG identified expenditures of $4 million that should be refunded for it deemed them ineligible or unsupported.

About $3.8 million was attributed to the National AIDS Commission and $200,000 to the Ministry of Health — the two principal recipients of the seven grants awarded to Malawi. Malawi has already agreed to pay back at least $3.3 million.

Neither the United States Embassy in Bujumbura nor the Ministry of Health and the Fight Against AIDS could immediately comment on the alleged waste.

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