Vendredi 07 mars 2025


Pierre Emmanuel Ngendakumana

01/02/2017 Commentaires fermés sur Pierre Emmanuel Ngendakumana

Born on 15.12.1988 in Ngozi northen Province of Burundi, Pierre Emmanuel Ngendakumana, completed his BA degree in English Language and Literature at the University of Burundi in 2015.

His first experience in Journalism started the same year, shortly before graduation, at Burundi National Broadcast RTNB where he learned reporting techniques for both Radio and Television.

He also volunteered as a reporter at Radio Scolaire Nderagakura early in 2016.

He joined Iwacu Press Group in 2016 chiefly as an Editor of the online English news service- IWACU English News | The voices of Burundi and as a reporter and translator for the French service of the same Press Group until 2020.

Pierre Emmanuel has always been fascinated by Journalism since his early age.

He is convinced that the investment in the capacity of a new generation of Burundian journalists in particular and African journalists in general is critical if justice and accountability are to be re-established.

Articles at IWACU

E-mail :[email protected]

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Editorial de la semaine

Paix à l’Est du Congo : un enjeu crucial pour la stabilité de l’EAC

La Communauté d’Afrique de l’Est (EAC) est reconnue comme l’un des blocs régionaux les plus intégrés du continent africain. Depuis l’instauration effective du marché commun en 2010, la libre circulation des biens, des personnes, du travail et des capitaux a (…)

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