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New EAC Head Office in Arusha Opened

05/05/2013 Commentaires fermés sur New EAC Head Office in Arusha Opened

The Presidents of the EAC member states have officially inaugurated the new multi-billion headquarters in Arusha.

<img6350|right>The building came at a hefty cost of 14.8 million Euros (about Ugsh52 billion).
Germany, which financed the construction of the new elegant building in the centre of Arusha, was represented by a high-ranking delegation.

EAC Summit chairman President Mwai Kibaki said that the headquarters demonstrated the Partner States’ unity and commitment to the integration process.
"Our presence here symbolizes our unity," he said at the colourful ceremony attended by Presidents Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi, Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania and Rwanda’s Prime Minister Damien Habumuremyi.

However, more has to be done to deepen the integration, President Kibaki said, especially in the areas of regional infrastructure, roads, railways and energy sectors.
The Kenyan President also called for elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers through legally binding enforcement mechanisms.
The new building, he said, would enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the EAC secretariat and its organs.

The chairman of the EAC Council of Ministers, Kenya’s Minister for EAC Affairs Musa Sirma, said that the region bore testimony of a long experience in integration issues.

The EAC Partner States are committed to ensuring prosperity for their people, Mr Sirma said. The EAC Secretary General, Dr Richard Sezibera, said that the construction of the building would help in meeting the needs of the deepening co-operation among the Partner States. He said the building offers the flexibility of expansion once new members are admitted to the current five-nation bloc.

Egon Kochanke, Director for Africa of Germany´s Federal Foreign Office, and Dr Ulla Mikota, Director for Africa of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Development Cooperation, said that Germany shares the vision of the East African Community to build a prosperous, competitive, secure and politically united East Africa.
Kochanke underlined Germany´s motives for the support: "Germany by its own experience is persuaded of the merits of integration and therefore considers regional integration key for peace and security as well as economic development in the region. The challenges for East Africa are growing, therefore we highly welcome the ambitious political commitments of the Presidents of the five EAC member states.{"}

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