Dimanche 23 février 2025


La Ligue des jeunes Imbonerakure s’insurge contre le mot « milice »

Après les mots de Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme lors de son passage à Bujumbura parlant de « milice » pour designer un groupe de ce mouvement, la Ligue des jeunes Imbonerakure compte saisir le Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies .

Une démonstration de force des imbonerakure
Une démonstration de force des imbonerakure

Dans un communiqué de presse signé Denis Karera, président de la Ligue des Jeunes – Imbonerakure, une jeunesse affiliée au Parti Cndd-Fdd, cette organisation indique qu’elle a accueilli avec consternation et réel choc la déclaration de Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme lors de son passage à Bujumbura.

Selon ce communiqué, ce haut fonctionnaire des Nations Unies a qualifié la jeunesse Imbonerakure de «milice» dans son allocution lors d’une Table ronde de ce 15 avril. Un qualificatif que cette ligue considère comme une injure et une violation pure et simple de ses droits civils et politiques. Elle se dit victime d’une vaste campagne de diabolisation. Elle est allée jusqu’à demander à ce haut fonctionnaire des Nations Unies de retirer ses propos.

«Ce ne sont pas tous Imbonerakure mais la milice de ce groupe»

Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein : «Ce n’est pas le mouvement politique en soit mais une partie de celui-ci, une milice»
Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein : «Ce n’est pas le mouvement politique en soit mais une partie de celui-ci, une milice»

Signalons que lors d’une interview exclusive accordée au Groupe de Presse Iwacu, le Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme, a tenu à apporter des précisions sur ses propos : «Ce ne sont pas les Imbonerakure en général, c’est la milice de ce groupe. Et c’est celle-là qui nous préoccupe le plus. Ce n’est pas le mouvement politique en soi mais une partie de celui-ci, une milice. Ces groupes de jeunes adoptent un langage qui sème la haine. La Communauté internationale ne l’encourage pas», a souligné Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, premier Président de l’Assemblée des Etats parties de la CPI.

Forum des lecteurs d'Iwacu

7 réactions
  1. vivelecndd-fdd_sans_milice

    A voir ce défilé sur la photo, on ne peut parler que d’une milice. Cher KARERA, certaines choses doivent changer. De grâce n’assume pas l’inadmissible, ça pourrait te coûter à la longue… Je ne te le souhaite pas tout de même. Nous nous sommes battu pour la démocratie, malheureusement certains de nos vieux veulent nous la confisquer totalement, c’est déjà assez non.

  2. ukuri kuzostinda

    Eh Denis Karera,
    The truth hurts. The problem is that like our president, you think you are smarter than everyone. No, the world is watching you. You don’t even remember that it is represented around you.They know your shameful deeds. They have tools and techniques to know where you are, where you have been trained, you weapons, that you’ve already committed and you’re planning to commit despicable actions and so on. Whether you keep denying you are not a militia or whatever, they’ll never back down and apologize. Because they know what they know. Like Nzobonariba, in thinking that your everyday no no no, others are liar whenever they point finger at you would save you, you’re totally wrong. Instead, listen, change your behavior before they take the next step. Leave alone innocent burundians who are only claiming their rights. Stop terrorizing them. They are suffering enough of hunger and fear of their future.Stop serving a handful of greedy and selfish individuals for your own interests. If you keep considering yourself as a kind of special, untouchable activists that can kill or cure, and think the world can believe you, go ahead. However, remember you Karera and your boss will end up being the first to hold accountable of bloodshed of innocent burundians.

    • nkuba

      @ukuri kuzotsinda.
      I would accept your comments or warnings it you were a trueteller but reading you in the lines it is visible that you have some griefs against Nzobonariba and Karera instead of detziling how this people are planning and ececuting their deeds as you want to say. Rather I think that you’ part of those rumour spreaders chaos creator as you used to be in the past years. Guys don’t compair imbonerakure and the young Upronian mouvement JRR in order to discredit your opponeents. Please accept what you have done as JRRR members but us imbonerakure will always be there to build our country. Every saturday we’re standing together with local population and authorities all over the country in development activities, builfing schools, hospitals, offices for our authorities, and yet more are to come. Ibinebweiha amaboko murabandanya muvuga. Le chien aboit et la caravane passe.

      • Kagabo

        You start calling others dogs. You should at least remember that God pull you from nothing and that He still have the capacity to bring you back to nothing. This is the arrogance that characterize Nkurunziza and his party CNDD-FDD. From nothing, God lifted them up and put them on the top of our nation, and they start calling other citizens «DOGS.»
        Nkuba, remember: «the way you, imbonerakure and Nkurunziza arrived where you are, is still cleaned and waiting for you to bring you back where you are from. «The same way you came, the same way you leave.»

        According to that you are a member of a militia «Imbonerakure» that is the reality. So long the president did all he can in order to hid that Imbonerakure is an armed militia, but in vain. The masks have now fallen and I’m wondering what you are hiding since the masks have fallen. So, don’t try again to explain or defend yourself, for we know you more than you think.
        But if you and other militiers «Imbonerakure» keep on going with killing and murdering innocent people, women and children, they will finish like their Rwandan brothers Interahamwe.

  3. Prosper

    That is the process. preparing the international community by defiling other’names so that any killings perpetrated by whoever is going to be done under the name of the defiled name. A gain do not compare Burundi to any neighboring country. Those calculations will never work in Burundi but nice try …. Hutu, Tutsi, Twa all Burundians are awake and united.
    – Name defilers, rumor spreaders, chaos creators with some of their jam radio they use to spread fears in Burundians , will soon understand that Burundians regardless of tribes are more united than any other time in the history.
    – We live in a world where technology is rampant, so a lie does not take longer to be revealed. ( there are satellites all over, FBI operates in Burundi freely …. so there is no lie or any bad plan which can go unnoticed ).

    Those with evil plans in Burundi will suffer shame.


      Burundi is a very confusing place to be right now.
      I do though still think that violence has never been the best answer. I do not think that instigating violence by whichever person will ever bring the appropriate solution to our nation. First note that in addition to material destruction ( people, possessions,..)it definately destroys our country’s image in the world thus we are again renown for our internal rangles rather than any progress nomatter how little that was made in various areas of the nation. One may argue that none was made. I would ask none at all?
      A lot counterfit information, a lot of rumors are going around in the country all for the sole purpose of instigating fear among the people, whowever is doing this should stop. As some would call it that is « libertinage de press » not freedom of speech. Whoever thinks this will be profitable to them remember that you start awar but you never know who wins. REmember 1993 after the killing of Ndadaye started a war but who won?

      An aside note is that as I planned to travel to Burundi in March this year, all the information was that Burundi was insecure. I decided t go anyway. Yes there were tension going around but business as ususal in the nation , people even travelling as late as 10pm to go to rural areas. That is the spirit. politics should not stop us from our daily livelihood…that is where our bread comes from.

      I was also interested to see posted on facebook a picture ( labeled iwacu) with policemen standing with individuals during rain. This was alledged to be policemen standing with protesters. I really do trust the profesionalism of Iwacu so I think this is true. This again brings more confusion. Some will definately say its to show that even policemen support protesters and others that it shows how tolerant police are while I guess we could also say its fair play ( « Stop the rain, put guns and stones down we will continue to fight after the rain).

    • Rupande

      Dear Prosper, where is that Unity you are claiming?
      If Hutu, Tutsi and Twa in your small mind are united, don’t lie that there are united in Burundi.
      Hutu, Tutsi, Twa are not united from a long time and that is the source of all problems in Burundi.
      Don’t still hidden in your virtual Unity and stop with lying that the Burundians are united. Everybody knows there is no Unity in Burundi.

      Mr Prosper and all member of CNDD-FDD, get out from your frustration and your murmurations and stop claiming having the Unity you don’t have. Long ago, the president and CNDD-FDD were claiming that the whole CNDD-FDD was behind him in his way heading to the Coup d’Etat. However we are astonished seeing how his party is divided about this Coup d’Etat.
      A Coup d’Etat attracts a Coup d’ Etat.
      Well; maybe you’re one of those who are pushing this crazy president to attempt a Putsch.
      But keep this in your mind: The day Nkurunziza will announce his Coup d’ Etat, others will immediately set to sweep him away through a Coup d’ Etat and he will not resist.» Nkurunzinza is right now determining what ‘s gonna happen with him in the coming days. The fate of Nkurunziza is in his hand, but not in those who are cheating him that Hutu, Tutsi and Twa are behind him. Nobody is behind him except betrayers and cheaters. If he choose to commit to the putsch, he and his CNDD-FDD will find a putsch and a dreadful and horrible end on their way.

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