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Doing Business 2013 : Burundi best reformer in Africa, but…

05/05/2013 Commentaires fermés sur Doing Business 2013 : Burundi best reformer in Africa, but…

In the latest Doing Business 2013 report, Burundi has been declared the best reformer in Africa, ranked at 10 places out of 185 countries, and 2nd in the East African region. But still, in order to improve and raise the place, some challenges need to be solved.

<doc5993|left>According to the database of Doing Business index 2013, Burundi has been ranked the best reformer on this year, in Africa i.e. gaining a very good place among 185 countries. Ten topics and business had been under consideration : “Starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders ,enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency.”

Within the Doing Business index 2013, each of these ten topics is also ranked on different position which ranks Burundi on the 159 position.
“Starting a business ranks on 28 out of 185 countries, dealing with construction permits on 141 place, getting electricity on 164, registering property on 127, getting credit on 167, proctecting investors on 49, paying taxes on 137, trading across borders on 177, enforcing contracts on 175 and resolving insolvency on the 161 position .”

The ranking on each topic is the simple average of the percentile rankings, on its component indicators.
In the Doing Business’s database, for policy makers trying to improve their economy regulatory for business a good place to start is to find out how it compares with the regulatory environment in other economies. Doing Business provides an aggregate ranking on the ease of business based on indicator sets that measure and benchmark regulations applying to domestic small to medium- size business through their life cycle economies ranked from 1 to 185 by ease of Doing Business Index.
For each economy the index is calculated as the ranking on the simple average of percentile rankings on each of the 10 topics included in the index in Doing Business 2013.

Burundi is currently ranked number 159 out of 185 countries. This is a great improvement as compared to its worst position in Doing Business 2011 when it was ranked at number 181 out of 183 countries ranked that year.
Rwanda has maintained his position as a head of the EAC ranked countries at number of 52, by Uganda, which has taken Kenya at 120. Kenya follows at 121 and Tanzania is fourth at number 134, a downward movement from the previous 127.
“The last ranking, an important great step on Burundi’s economies“
According to Noel Nkurunziza, the president of Burundian association of consumers, considering where Burundi were coming back, there is much hope that with combination of many strengths , the country change its place and rank on a far better position.

“Registering property, trade, to get passport, used to take many days by the past, but now it takes only two days or less. Many things have changed. Moreover, this moves Burundi on the good way for rapid development,”
In comparison to what used to happen in the East African region such as non-tariff barriers, technique barriers, to fight against small corruption, has been eliminated.
The same opinion is shared by Dieudonne Kwizera, the spokesperson of Burundi revenue authority (OBR).

“Burundi has been declared the best reformer on time. With the new tax administration and thanks to the partnership of the” Agence Burundaise de Promotion d, Investissement”, many things has been changed. Furthermore, with the new single border posts, the gain of time and money will be in reality,”
He goes on saying within the improvement of the interconnectivity system; corruption on the border has been successfully fought against. “When a trader brings in goods, information details on them are forwarded before getting in the destination country.”

He mentions also that with Burundi’s integration into the East African community, traders don’t need to stop to any border post. “To load and unload will be done on the same time and on the only once.”
Kwizera also reminds that new clearance agencies have also contributed to the rank Burundi the best reformer.

“Clearance agencies close their doors at ten o’ clock pm, traders who bring their goods at five o’ clock pm, went home with their goods. Interconnectivity contributes to the gain of the time and money. There are also new systems which are going to be used to fight against corruption, notably ASET and RADDEX. Goods from import or export are going to be indicated before, from the origin to the destination country, ” says Kwizera.

“Dialogue and consultation, to raise the place”

Regarding on what Doing business index 2013 has considered in declaring Burundi, the best reformer in Africa, says Nkurunziza, some issues need to be improved for the benefit of all the people.
“People need to know everything taking place in all sectors of the state, and they have to be informed. This brings in the need to increase dialogue and consultation. It is very important for the country and the whole country will benefit,”

He also mentions to fight against corruption is a must of everyone. “Fighting against corruption as indicated in the Doing Business 2013 report, concerns small corruption only. The one occurring at high levels isn’t evoked,” adds Nkurunziza.
The president of Burundian association of consumers suggests in order to be maintained in the good position, combining strengths is necessary to solve these issues.
To respect the protocols signed on the treaty establishing the EAC is also in need, mentions Nkurunziza, in order to be well ranked in the region.

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