Mercredi 17 juillet 2024


Controversies on the Women National Forum

05/05/2013 Commentaires fermés sur Controversies on the Women National Forum

To Represent Burundi at the Regional Women Forum and reflect the image of Burundian Women is one of the objectives of the recent elected Forum. While the Ministry in Charge of National Solidarity remains confident, Civil Society and rural women don’t trust the results.

<doc7337|right>Gertrude Kamariza aged 30, a rural woman from Mabayi Commune, in Cibitoke Province, doesn’t trust the elected women in her province. “Those who are elected are much older and it is also difficult to get along with them. Moreover, the majority is composed of local authorities’ relatives”, regrets Kamariza.

According to N.N, a business woman from Buganda Commune, in Cibitoke Province, it is important to know what is happening in EAC community. Moreover, many rural women don’t know much about the opportunities offered by the community.
Even if they ignore and don’t trust the Forum, she indicates that it is too early to judge the elected Women’s activities. “It is worth working for the general interest of the population instead of working for one individual profit”, says the businesswoman.
“15 women were elected in each cell entity. It is useful to organize different sessions of training and workshop for rural people to be aware of the advantages offered by the community”, wishes Kamariza, one mother from Mabayi.

<quote>The National Women Forum is composed of : Forum at Cell entity level or the District: 15 women / Forum at Communal level: 5 women / Forum at Provincial level: 5 women / Forum at National level: 85 women</quote>

“A semblance of Forum”

For Goretti Ndacayisaba, in Charge of Programs in Dushirehamwe, a National Network of 352 groups, this Forum doesn’t present any advantage.
“Out of 85 women who composed the Forum, only four were from Civil Society. Others belong to the Presidential Party”, indicates Ndacayisaba.
For her, the questions which are going to be debated during the Regional Forum will obviously reflect the image of their political party.
Normally, she continues, 50 percent of Women should have come from Civil Society.
Furthermore, Ndacayisaba mentions that those Women, who have been elected, are not known for any outstanding role they have played in their society.

<doc7336|right>Clotilde Niragira, the Minister in Charge of National Solidarity, Human Rights and Gender remains confident and trusts the elected Forum : “Finally, these Women are not going to represent only Burundian women, but also the whole country at a high level through the Regional Forum”, thanks the Minister.

She indicates that those who are not represented, the process will be completed by co-option : “We are going to harmonize the texts in order to be represented in such way. The co-opted number will include pupils, women from Army and Police Security, and Batwa community”, recalls Niragira.

According to the Presidential Decree N°100/306 of November 21, 2012 on the creation, organization and missions of the Women National Forum, the latter is a framework that allows to :
– Act as an advisory body and a legitimate institutional platform that helps consider claims and interests of girls and women from all social strata of Burundi;
– Harmonize advocacy strategies for taking account of the gender dimension in all areas of National life;
– Serve as a gathering open framework that guides and channels the actions of different stakeholders for the promotion and protection of women’s rights;
– Improve collaborations between organizations, collectivities and networks of women’s organizations, women leaders and former dignitary women in order to increase the impact through deep and mature approaches;
– Capitalize all women capacity and initiatives to contribute in developing policies, programs and strategies to advance the legislation, ratification of the texts and laws in order to improve the status of Burundian girls and women;
– Represent Burundi at the Regional women’s Forum and reflect the image of the Regional Forum of Burundian Women;
– Strengthen commitment and undeniable women potential for stability and consolidation of peace, solidarity and reconciliation as well as community rehabilitation.

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