Mercredi 17 juillet 2024


Burundi National Police accused of brutality

05/05/2013 Commentaires fermés sur Burundi National Police accused of brutality

While the World celebrates the International Day against Police Brutality on 15th March, Armel Niyongere the Chairman of ACAT (Action des Chrétiens pour l’Abolition de la Torture) declares that Burundi National Police is in general brutal.

<doc7457|right>According to Armel Niyongere, the Chairman of ACAT, Burundi National Police is characterized by brutality, corruption, and sometimes by other crimes in the country.
“Very recently, we have observed how policemen have mistreated journalists during their peaceful manifestation. They have pointed and hurled teargas at them, while they were marching peacefully to claim for the liberation of one of their colleagues who was in jail. The police behaviour shows that they lack ethics and do not have enough knowledge and techniques to ensure order and security,” he regrets.

He adds that National Police is supposed to ensure population’s security, but unfortunately they are often denounced to collaborate with Imbonerakure (Cndd-Fdd youth) in some crimes, theft and raping cases in Burundi. Consequently, some Burundians fear them and consider them as their enemies.

“Some National Police officials have told us that they collaborate with Imbonerakure because they need help. This is the reason why there are a lot of criminal cases in the country. Those Imbonerakure cannot be punished because they are protected by policemen,” deplores Niyongere.

What is the place of Burundi National Police inside EAC ?

According to ACAT Chairman, Burundi National Police is corrupted but not punished, contrarily to Rwandan police whose good behaviour leaves without comment.
“In Burundi if a police agent comes across a driver who doesn’t possess all required documents, only a bribe of 2000 BIF is often accepted by the agent to let the driver free in return. But in Rwanda for instance, even the speed limit is strictly controlled,” he compares.

In Rwanda like in many other countries, road order and security are meticulously respected because members of the National Police are severe and uncorrupted whereas in Burundi people drive carelessly without respecting any rule.
“Burundi National Police should work like other International and Regional Police to ensure public security instead of causing disorder. I wish that any policeman accused of any crime or abuse be punished in accordance with the law,” suggests Niyongere.
He concludes by demanding the Burundi National Police Authorities to be severe to any policeman denounced of having committed any act of crime, abuse, brutality or corruption.
Surprisingly enough, according to Elie Bizindavyi, the Spokesman of Burundi National Police, Burundi policemen are not brutal at all despite the allegations.

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